Right of response to Human rights are Indivisible

Right of response to INL article

    Right of response to "Human rights are Indivisible"
    Dear Shannon Ebrahim,
    I’m writing once again in response to your article “Human rights are indivisible”. At this point, I pause to wonder – why the obsession with Israel? How is it possible that a foreign editor focuses irrationally on one country above all others?
    Your readers must question how you can write an article about Gaza and mention “Hamas” only once, as a by-product. Hamas is an internationally recognized terrorist organization, who commits terror attacks against Israel, sends thousands of rockets over the border directed at civilian populations, and uses the people of Gaza as human shields. Hamas’ leadership has encouraged terrorism time and time again. Somehow you also failed to mention “terror attacks” in your article as well.  
    If the protests they organize are so “peaceful” as you say, why would they violently damage the border crossing and set it on fire?  How can you explain a “peaceful protest” whose participants purposely destroy the fuel pipelines into Gaza? Israel supplies the fuel for the residents, and they cut off their own population from supplies. As a foreign editor I’m sure you have also seen the many photos of the attempts by the protesters to dismantle the recognized border between Israel and Gaza. Do you choose to ignore whatever doesn’t fit in your narrative?
    Unlike you, I stood myself at that border crossing, watching the thousands of tons of good going into Gaza every day. As you mentioned – they are checked for only one thing – materials that can be used to harm the citizens of Israel. I invite your readers to open a map. They may be surprised to realize that Gaza doesn’t only border with one country.
    If human rights are indeed your focus, I dare you to write a piece on Hamas’ human rights violations, one actually researched and not formulated by your agenda.
    Ayellet Black